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How do you shape your career in Programming, the simpler way.

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

IT Business Meeting
IT Business Meeting

I have been working in Software Web Development for 12+ years now. While I look back, I recall that all I know about programming was the names of few programming languages limited to C, C++, and Java. Not even how to write `Hello World` Program in any of these languages. I was about to enter some Government services that I had been selected for, when I got another opportunity to work for a Software Company. I chose Software Company over Government Services as it complimented my education even if it was the same starting package. There has been no look back in my career since then, and I have guided many students around me how to get started with programming and thrive in your career, of course the destiny is made by choices you make. In this piece I am going to share my experience, observation and some tested approach about entering Programming world.

Current market scenario

Being in industry I come across positions and opportunities every day where the skill is appreciated over educational degree. I am referring specifically to the programming area here. There is huge demand of Skilled Engineers in Programming world. Despite the massive lay offs happening around (at the time of writing this article), I see 1 Engineer available for 20 open positions. One would argue that numbers say for every vacancy there are 100 applications, but I am counting 1 out of those 100 because 99 are not skilled enough to apply for that job, but still they do apply. Companies are in dire need of plug-n-play resources, meaning they cannot spend time to train human resources the relevant skillset, and our traditional Education Curriculum do not cater to the needs of Software Industry. And hence there is a huge gap in what industry needs and what is available in the market. So in case you are in dilemma whether it is good decision to enter programming world or not, or even if you want to find the right skillset to enter the arena, you are in right place. Read On.

Confused about where to start?

There are quite a number of programming languages, tools, libraries, skills that you will hear are in huge demand. But the numbers will vary for almost all of those skillsets. I am going to tell you to start with the easiest to learn English-Typed-Language called, Java….wait for it……………..Script. Yes, it is not Java but Javascript. It has nothing to do with Java. You do not need to know anything about C, C#, C++, Java or Python in order to get started with this programming (technically scripting) language.

From the moment you start thinking about your career, start learning fundamentals of Computer Science and Javascript thereafter.

If you already know what is programming, and why computer program is needed, but thinking which language to pick for your career or to get job at earliest, start from Javascript. I say that because it has small learning curve relatively (though a huge technology ecosystem which will follow but forget that for now).

Javascript has a huge ecosystem. The majority of technical pieces around are open sourced, you do not need resource heavy machine to practice it but possibly the lightest of all will do the job. If you know what is frontend and what is backend, you will most probably know this by now, that as a Javascript Developer you can do both the ends individually. In nutshell I am defining below Why Javascript?

  1. Easy to learn

  2. Small learning curve

  3. Can be learnt and practices straight in your browser itself. Even the IDEs are developed using Javascript :)

  4. Can be used in almost all industrial applications.

  5. Huge Community and Ecosystem support.

  6. You can progress career in AI, ML, Frontend Development, Backend Development, Crypto world, Gaming and many more.

  7. Huge skill shortage

  8. Wide array of technologies around javascript, thus offering more and more job opportunities.

In all those areas and most of the others that you would name, you can easily enter being a Javascript Developer.

Where to head after Javascript?

Although once you start learning Javascript you will automatically find your path ahead. There are several tools and tech stack to learn, but to support the huge numbers in Job opportunities that I referred above, I will talk about a specific technology stack here, called MERN.

MERN refers to MongoDB, Express, ReactJs, and Node.js.

These together are widely used across the globe and as a Javascript Developer you can work on all these pieces (of course you need to read and practice MERN before).

You can easily start as a Frontend Developer, or a Backend Developer, with knowledge of MERN.

Is that all you need to catch job asap? Definitely No.

While you can start applying and interviewing in companies after you have learned MERN, but you will still stand in 99 out of those 100 applicants that I referred above. The technical knowledge is not enough. You need to know the nitty-gritty when it comes to working in enterprise world. You need to know what decisions to make to make a better software application (better has many dimensions). A mere knowledge of MERN with one or a few college level projects is not enough for the company looking out for you. You need to be well versed with standard practices, and workflows followed in different companies, how software application can fail and what to do in such situations, how to manage work priorities, how to work with changing requirements in a project, collaboration with team members, and many more things are what companies expecting from the resources already. Thus I highly recommend, to learn these things by gaining experience after learning those technologies, to start your career on jet.

Trust me, with this skillset and know how of what I documented last above you can easily land a well paying job in the beginning of your career, and with continuous learning and practice you will be incharge of your own career.

If you are already here, Start learning now. There are endless resources to study the technology but I highly recommend a methodical approach to not learning but shaping and starting your career which imparts knowledge, experience and exposure to the real world of Software Web Development. The Web Engineering Diploma from Technical Academy of Aapastech Software Consulting company is best suited for those who are:-

  1. Struggling to start their career.

  2. In Dilemma of where to start from.

  3. Know basics or even nothing about Web.

  4. Who want to learn MERN and gain experience not just as an intern but an integral part of Software Team in a company.

  5. Who want to land in job fast by gaining most in demand skillset.

Happy Learning, Happy Programming and Start learning now!

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